Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary's logo

What's at the Sanctuary?


Have a look at our map of the site before you arrive, and take a virtual tour along some of our walkways around the Sanctuary.
Entrance/Front Walkway
Courtyard & Picnic Area
Walkway behind the Café
Upper Farm Walk
Wildlife Meadows
Peanut's Pad

Keeping everyone safe at the sanctuary

The health and safety of our visitors, staff, and animals is extremely important to us, and there are a few things that we would ask you to bear in mind during your visit to us.

  • We are a no smoking site, including vapes and e-cigarettes. There are a lot of flammable materials onsite. Please do not smoke or vape anywhere on site during your visit.

  • There are hand sanitiser stations placed around the site, along with hand washing stations. You should wash your hands after touching any of the animals and before and after you eat any food.

  • You are welcome you to bring a picnic or buy food and drink from our café to enjoy on site. Please do not take any food into the barns. This will help avoid the risk of E. coli.

  • Please do not feed anything to the animals, including grass. Our animals are on very closely managed diets. They can become ill if they eat the wrong thing - even a simple blade of grass can make them poorly.

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