Legacies provide an opportunity to look after family and friends. Sometimes however, the person making their will chooses to leave a gift for the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary.
Gifts from legacies have helped us build a new barn for more indoor accommodation, field shelters to shield the donkeys from the sun and rain, and fund the Donkey Therapy programme for people with specific needs.
There are also other ways you can donate, such as an 'in memoriam charitable donations', which is the act of paying tribute to someone you’ve lost by donating to a charity in their name. We currently have bird boxes and leaf plaques available to dedicate to a loved one. Call 01983 852693 and we will be pleased to help.
We can provide donation boxes for contributions in the memory of a loved one on behalf of the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary at a funeral, a celebration of life service, or a memorial event.
Your generosity is recognised with remembrance plaques on the buildings and facilities you have helped to create. Families come and visit those facilities and find it a positive experience to know that their parent or grandparent will always be remembered and have made a significant and positive contribution to the lives of our donkeys.
If you are considering leaving a gift to the Sanctuary in your will and require any information to help you do so, please contact the Sanctuary on 01983 852693 and we will be pleased to help. Your enquiry will be treated with the strictest of confidence.
Without your generous donations, we simply would not exist. Sometimes a person making their will, will choose to leave a gift to a charity, which makes a significant difference. For others, they may wish to remember and celebrate a loved one or a friend, and their love for the sanctuary. We can offer this in a few different ways.
For more information contact us at info@iowdonkeysanctuary.org, or call us on 01983 852693.
Our Tribute Planter is set in between two paddocks so that it overlooks donkeys on both sides. Each leaf can be engraved with the name of a loved one and a small message.
We ask for a minimum donation of £100 for one of our dedication leaves.
Remember your loved one through the joy of nature, with these beautiful RSPB nest boxes. Each nest box is supplied with a dedicated engraved memory plaque as a tribute to a beloved family member or friend.
We ask for a minimum donation of £100 for one of our bird boxes.
Please note: the memorial items are owned by the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary.
Our friendly staff can talk to you at your convenience to help and guide you through the process.
01983 852693
Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
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Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.
From April 1 2025, we will be open 7 days a week, 10am - 4:30pm.