In September the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary welcomed two new donkeys, Theo and Noah. However, poor Theo was extremely ill and had been diagnosed with colic. He had received veterinary care with his previous owners but was quickly deteriorating. Needing urgent surgery, The Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary agreed to take Theo and his companion Noah into their care.
With no equine hospital on the Isle of Wight, Theo and his best friend Noah, made the trip by ferry to the mainland for emergency surgery.
During surgery one foot of Theo’s intestine was removed. He was desperately ill and needed a plasma transfusion.
Proving that everyone, including the donkeys, at the Sanctuary will go above and beyond to care for their animals, three strong young geldings Major, Thomas and Eiffion donated blood. Staff raced to get catch the ferry to the mainland and get the blood to Theo as quickly as possible.
The next day however, Theo went downhill and another emergency operation was deemed necessary, this time part of his colon was removed, and he was fighting for his life.
With more blood transfusions needed the staff at Wroxall took geldings Leighton and Trevor over to the Equine Hospital on the mainland as quickly as they could.
To everyone’s relief, the second operation and blood transfusion was a huge success.
After a period of rest at the Equine Hospital, Theo and Noah returned to the Island where Theo has been slowly building his strength. His recovery will be a long process, but alongside his best friend Noah, these two will be cared for at the Sanctuary for their rest of their lives.

The Sanctuary are so impressed with Theo’s outstanding recovery that they are happy to announce that both Theo and Noah are now available to adopt!
Susan McCall, Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary CEO said.
"Theo really is our own miracle in a stable. He was gravely ill, but we knew we needed to give him every chance to survive. The staff at the Sanctuary have been outstanding in their care and attention and we can’t thank the team and Vectis Vets and Liphook Equine Hospital enough.
With everyone, including the donkeys, working together Theo has made a miraculous recovery to the point where I’m thrilled to say he is now available to adopt”
She continues - “Adoptions are the backbone of the Sanctuary’s fundraising. Supporters who adopt our animals ensure they can receive the love and attention they need to live a happy and healthy life. It's not only Theo and Noah available to adopt, each of the hero donkey’s that helped with Theo’s miraculous recovery, as well as 100 other unique animals, can be adopted too!”
Adoptions start at just £25 and include an adoption certificate, a special biography all about your chosen donkey as well as additional images. Adopters also receive a special newsletter twice a year full to the brim with Sanctuary information.
More details of Theo and Noah’s brave story can be found at:
To adopt Theo, Noah or any of the other animals living at the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary visit:
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Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.
From April 1 2025, we will be open 7 days a week, 10am - 4:30pm.