The IOW Donkey Sanctuary was a double winner at the Royal Agricultural Society Rural Business and Charity Awards, announced at the Island’s County Show on Sunday 26th June.
The sanctuary had been nominated, shortlisted and, after a panel interview, became finalists in the Rural Tourism Business/Charity of the Year. We were absolutely thrilled to be announced as the winners, beating off competition from what the organisers said was the highest number of entries and the highest quality of applicants ever received for these awards! Director, Derek Needham, and Estate Manager, Nick Painter, stepped on stage to collect the award.
However, an even greater shock was to follow. After all the various categories had been presented, the ‘big’ award to the overall business/charity of the year was presented. The IOW Donkey Sanctuary was named as the overall winner, and on his last afternoon as Charity Manager, Derek went up to collect the main award.

Derek said afterwards, "this award reflects the outstanding team effort by everybody connected with the sanctuary - our visitors, supporters, volunteers, staff, and trustees, who all come together to make this charity what it is. It represents a lot of hard work by everybody on the farm, with the animals, on the estate, in the office, in the shop, in the kitchen and in the café. Everybody who works or volunteers here has a passion for what they do, and they all deserve to be congratulated and to celebrate this award".
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Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.
From April 1 2025, we will be open 7 days a week, 10am - 4:30pm.