Our latest 2 Liphook patients, Charlie and Scooby, returned home to Wroxall on the 29th April.
Charlie has made an astounding recovery from an operation to remove a serious intestinal blockage. The operation was risky for an old donkey, but Charlie responded very well. He is bright and looks well after all he has been through. However, we are still cautious about his long term recovery and Charlie is being monitored very carefully.
For Scooby, the picture remains uncertain. She went to Liphook for a full investigation into a high heart rate and a serious flare up in her laminitis. The heart rate is under control but she is still lame from the laminitis, which is very acute. She has seen our Farrier on Friday, and he has ‘built’ her some shoes. She seems to be more comfortable than she has been for a long time. We must stress that this condition is extremely serious and we are doing all we can to support and manage Scooby, who deserves all of our effort, because she has had such a rough time medically.

Thank you to our staff, our vets, and the medical team at Liphook for their care and expertise for these 2 fabulous donkeys!
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Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.
From April 1 2025, we will be open 7 days a week, 10am - 4:30pm.