Several weeks ago, we alerted our supporters that our donkey Emily had been diagnosed with an advanced form of leukaemia and was now receiving palliative care. Sadly, as is often the situation in these cases, Emily picked up a blood infection and her heart could finally not cope with the burden of her illness. Yesterday she passed peacefully away. We are the rescue, the sanctuary, the happiness, but also the journey’s end for all of our donkeys. The last few weeks have been sad days for us, and Emily’s passing, whilst expected, is another tough blow for all of the staff and volunteers who doted on this beautiful donkey and gave her all their love until the very end.
Emily was a Grand Dame! She loved her life in the Friends and Family group, and although she was not the boldest donkey in there, she was certainly amongst the kindest. She was a very sweet old lady, and in her earlier life was always popular on outreach visits to care homes and visiting children in community settings. She overcame the loss of an eye and coped as if nothing had happened - she may have been kind, but she made it very clear to the likes of Prentice and Winston, which was her food and which was theirs! She was unbelievably patient and seemed to know when her supporters had come to see her – she could be found by the fence so often, being stroked and fussed by visitors who were so happy to see her.
Only a week ago, a group of visitors arrived on site from Durham, all of whom wanted to see Emily. They had been directed to her by the team at the Sands Hotel in Sandown, who had loyally supported Emily for many years. Emily loved their attention and stayed with them for a number of minutes until she had received all of their individual love and attention. That was typical of Emily, one of the sweetest, kind and gentle donkeys we have known.
We are all suffering a time of sadness at the moment, and this will only deepen that mood for all of our team and our supporters.
RIP Emily.

Please Note - our sanctuary will remain open, apart from the 19th September. People who would like to use the sanctuary and its grounds for quiet reflection, as well as remembering Emily, are very welcome to do so.
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Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.