Exciting Half Term adventures await at the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary from 25th May to 1st June 🐾
Looking for family fun this half term? Look no further than the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary! 🌟 We offer free parking and it’s free to get in. You can enjoy free guided tours daily during the holidays and we have over 100 adorable animals for you to meet! 🐴
We will be open everyday 10am to 4:30pm, and have plenty of fun activities to do:
• Free 30 minute Meet our Donkeys guided tours each day
• Donkey grooming - Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, £10
• Pamper a donkey or a Shetland pony - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, £25
• Donkey Experience - Every day, £40 (please book 72 hours in advance)
Full details and times are available now and can be booked on our website.
Plus don’t forget it’s Music in the Courtyard on the 25th & 26th May notes. Make the most of the bank holiday weekend with delicious food and drink from our café and courtyard caravan. ☕🍰🌭
Interested in the latest donkey gossip or health and wellbeing news about the herds? Hit subscribe! We will never share your information.
Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary, Lower Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight, PO38 3AA
Saturday to Wednesday, 10am - 4:30pm, no need to book.
From April 1 2025, we will be open 7 days a week, 10am - 4:30pm.